Frequently Asked Questions
What medium do you work with?
All Paintings are created with the highest quality of oil paint. The oil paint allows for vibrancy in color and in texture.
Do you work from photographs or on location?
All paintings come from an inspirational image. If it is a vibrant landscape painting the photographic reference is taken by the artist while out traveling. If it is a custom pet portrait the image is provided by the client.
How is the product shipped?
Your painting is packed with care. It is wrapped in tissue paper. Followed by bubble wrap and additional paper to allow for safe transportation. All work is insured for transportation purposes.
If I am ordering a custom pet portrait what makes a good reference photo?
When looking through your pictures of your loved ones, or taking a new picture yourself, there are a few key things to consider. Does the image have good lighting? Dramatic lighting is fine and preferred, but a black pet in a dark room is not ideal. Does the image show true coloration? Sometimes images don't show the exact eye color or fur color. The more accurate your image is the better I can depict your pet. Is your pet at a good distance from the camera? If your pet is too far away from the camera I wont be able to distinguish details to capture for an ideal portrait. Does the image show your pets personality? Some pets are stoic, some are goobers, and some are in between. Think of how you want your pet to be commemorated and use those preferred images.
What if the pet has passed away or is a gift and images are limiting?
Please send me a message with the images you do have that may be ideal. If it is as simple as a tongue hanging out when you prefer it to be a closed mouth I will be able to work with the request.
Can I have more than one pet on a canvas?
Yes you can! Some sizes are better suited for two pets. An 8x10 or larger fits two pets well. If more than two pets are desired than a special size canvas is preferred. Both pets do not need to be in the same reference photo, but I will need two (or more) quality images of the pets to work from. To add an additional pet to your request it is $50 per pet added.