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Choose your size print of "Towers and Salty Mountains" 8x8" unframed print, or 12x12" print unframed.

Prints are reproduced at various sizes and available in limited quanities of 50 prints each.


The original painting is SOLD. 

*This is a reproductionprint of an original painting by Mallory Cash 

"The Chute" Print

  • Looking for a vibrant landscape piece for the living room or office? The Hot Summer Days series is the perfect set to adorn your walls. Your friends will love your cheerful addition. Be sure to send them my way if they want one for their home.



    The Chute is a depiction of the golden hour at Smith Rock State Park in Oregon. With my dog at my hip we had finished the days hike and came to the overlook to watch the sun set behind Three Sisters mountains. As I sat Ireflected on the unique beatutiesI had seen and the one in front of me. In these slow moments I enjoy life the most. When this paintings became a series I knew this memory had to be captured, and so the playfulness began as my brush gathered the paint and paint built upon canvas.

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